Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day!

 Hi all -

I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day! I can't believe how quickly time keeps flying by! We ate starting to feel fall in the air. It's so pleasant!

I've continued to work on quilts for my great niece who is due in November. I pieced the backing for the tiny quilt that's designed for using in the car seat and carrier:

Baby's Love Blanket backing

I think this is so cute with the front that I shared last time. This could be a two-sided quilt except that the quilting that I'm planning for the front will not match up with the back. But thatt's okay, it's still fun! I got the quilt all sandwiched and ready for quilting. I did my best to center the front on the back and keep all of the lines parallel. We'll see how I did when the quilting's done!

I also finished piecing a bigger quilt for the baby. This one is Baby Elephant from the book "Lickety-Split Quilts for Little Ones" by Laurie Bevan:

Baby Elephant

This quilt ended up 44" by 52". I chose the motif and the colors because my sister (the soon-to-be grandmother) made a stuffed elephant for the baby in turquoise and orange. My colors aren't a perfect match since I was pulling from stash, but I think it turned out pretty nice! I still need to piece a backing for this quilt.

On the side, I continue to work on my hexagon charm quilt. I like to watch TV so my handwork projects get a lot of attention! I added a bunch of new hexagons to my pile:

Hexagon Pieces

I'm trying to only add new fabrics to the mix, but there's a good possibility that I'll miss one or two doubles with this many hexagons! And I still have a lot of untapped stash.... I also started adding hexagons to my existing units to make them squares instead of rectangles. I have a lot of hexagons to add to each unit so I've only gotten started on the first one:

Units Changing Shape

The new units will be 6x6 so that they can all be the same shape and fit easily together. It's slow work, but they sure do look cool!

Finally, I've continued to work on my Festival of Stitches shawl designed by Lisa Hannes. I added the "raindrops" section to one side:

Festival of Stitches - white raindrops section

And I added the raindrops section and started the border on the other side:

Festival of Stitches - black raindrops section and border

It feels so good to be getting so close to the end! Unfortunately the border is twisted rib which takes a long time to knit. Luckily it's a really pretty stitch!

That's it for now. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying a relaxing day off!


1 comment:

  1. Such cute baby quilts! I really like the elephant!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects
